Wednesday, October 27, 2010

prompt 1.

Look on Megan's page to see why I wrote this.

Sometimes, I feel like a gerbil, running around and around on this wheel. Life passes but here I am stuck circling. I am forced to not slack off, or else life will just run away with me and i'll get all dizzy. So here I try to keep up with the wheel, not let it get a head of my feet, I don't want to be like one of those stupid hamsters who just let go. You have to keep up with the wheel, trying your best. Those gerbils in Alabama just don't care. I think its because they're from the south. One time I visited Alabama and I saw an old man with PINK hair. Yup, that pretty much sums up Alabama for you. Then I think am I really that insensitive? Am I making fun of an old man? Is the wheel I'm in running away from me, getting ahead of my feet? Maybe I just need a massage. Hilary tells me that helps. Helps relax you, and maybe I wouldn't feel so much like a very short fat and chubby animal running helplessly on a wheel. If they'd even massage a gerbil. It's like having warts on your foot and getting a pedicure, poor poor people who have to give that person a pedicure. Massaging a short fat furry animal, poor poor person also?


Anonymous said...

cute :D
You're gonna be good at this I can tell.
Did you really see an old guy with pink hair?

JayBee93 said...

Haha this is adorable!
and i demand an answer to megan's question :P

lindsey said...

yes i did.
in the atlanta air port,
he helped me get to my gait.