Saturday, October 30, 2010


i probably did this wrong, and it's a day late. buuut anywho, im gunna give it a try, and im in a rush cause me and maddie need to go change into our costumes. but yaaaah.

N ew Years Resolutions make me
E excited. Not, hahaha I dont even do them.
W ith my lovely imagination

Y ou think it would be my thing
E hhh you're wrong, it's not
A hhh! i gotta go right now, im in a
R ush and i cant think, trick or treating is
S tarting soon, and we are not even in our costumes, so i will

R esume this blog post later
E ven if i keep it this same stupid way which is
S o not even following the prompt.
O h well, thats all i gotta say. hahah what a
L ovely blog post, i am
U tterly sorry you took the time out of you day to read
T his,
I t is completley pointless
O kay well i am going to go
N ow
S o have a nice halloween and i will talk to you later, gater!

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